Just imagine you are driving towards your destination and your companion is your Hyundai car. What if it just stops on the way due to a battery breakdown? The biggest nightmare while driving is if your four-wheeler just refuses to get going when you are in the middle of nowhere or in a hurry to reach your destination. A sudden car battery breakdown can really put you in big trouble, and you need a saviour instantly to get your car battery fixed. That's where Exide comes to your rescue. With Exide, you can get the best Hyundai roadside assistance without any hassles.
How can Exide help you when your car stops on the way?
Exide has a special service named Exide Batmobile to offer utmost convenience to its users. Exide Batmobile professionals are equipped with in-depth knowledge in the domain and will help you to get your car battery fixed within a few moments.
How can you identify that your battery is dead and needs immediate attention?
Here are some signs that indicate that it's time to book your service with Exide Batmobile to fix your dead car battery.
• You will not be able to hear any sound coming from your car when you try to start it.
• You will not be able to access any electrically powered equipment in the car, such as interior lights, radio, etc.
• Your car headlights or doors will not be switching on.
There are some indications your car will give out before dying. Your engine will start slowly, your headlights will dim, etc. These signs mean your car is going to have a battery failure and needs professional care. If you can respond to these indications at the right time, a car breakdown due to battery failure can be easily avoided.
To avoid battery failure, all you need to do is book Exide Batmobile service using your device.
How to book Exide Batmobile for Hyundai roadside assistance?
You just need to follow some simple steps to get your service booked:
1. First, go to the official site of Exide Care and then to the service booking page.
2. Next, go to the "For Any Car Battery" option.
3. A form will appear on your screen where you need to enter some basic information, such as your phone number and location.
4. After the verification of your mobile number through OTP, your service will be booked, and Exide Batmobile technicians will reach your location in no time to provide you with the solution you need.
If you get stuck in a location where you don't have sufficient internet access, don't worry. Exide has a solution for that as well. If you can't access the internet, you can book your service by calling 1800-103-5454 or even on WhatsApp at 70440 00000.
Exide Batmobile service is available in more than 300 cities across India, seven days a week, from 8 am to 8 pm. Here you can see the locations where the service is available.
Now, you can bid a forever goodbye to those horrifying nightmares with Exide Batmobile and go out for long drives knowing you can easily access Exide Hyundai roadside assistance whenever and wherever needed.
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